One of the pillars of our practices is the provision of legal services with regard to corporate rehabilitation.
The legal matters in the field of corporate rehabilitation are to be mainly handled by Attorney Osamu Shimizu, the successor of Attorney Tadashi Shimizu who is the leading expert for corporate rehabilitation.
The crucial point for attorneys engaging in the field of corporate rehabilitation is to pave the way for the building of consensus.
In facing the crush, a corporate has already gone into the situation where it is difficult to conduct normal economic activities in various contexts. Under such situation, such corporate is expected to get back its normal economic activities by securing the wages and jobs of its employees, removing the anxieties of its management and officers, protecting its business partners as far as possible, by requesting help from its suppliers, gaining the understanding of its financial institutions and seeking assistances of its collaborators including sponsors. In this process, such corporate should have a good understanding of the mental state as well as the decision-making and behavioral patterns of all parties concerned and motivate those in respective departments to devote themselves to the restructuring from their respective positions. For achieving this, we, based on the ideal corporate rehabilitation policy, gain their understanding through persistent negotiations with them by sometimes employing legal techniques and by sometimes not giving up.
This is what we do for rehabilitating a corporation.
Further, our firm can organize a framework by which we can deal with any legal matters regardless of their size. Specifically, we form the best team as necessary based on our experiences, achievements, etc. in doing businesses in cooperation with the players involved in cooperate rehabilitation such as attorneys, certified accountants, tax attorneys, advisors, consultants, FAs, funds in addition to other business operators, etc.